Putting Tips by Paul Wilson

Putting Tip 1 - Why Does Putting Practice Take So Much Effort?

In the game of golf, putting accounts for almost half of your shots. Given this huge percentage, you would think that people would want to practice this aspect of their game at least as much as their full swing. Unfortunately, this isn't the case. So why don't people want to practice their putting for more than a few minutes before they tee off? There are actually many reasons for this lack of practice:

1. Time - People lead very busy lives these days. They come straight from work, with just enough time to maybe hit a few warm up shots and get in 9 holes never mind practice their putting. If this sounds like you, look for other times to practice. I used to do a lot of putting practice at home before dinner time and sometimes into the evening. This allowed me to save the daylight hours for my full swing practice that I had to do at the course.

2. Physical Ailments - Most people aren't conditioned to hit a lot of putts. As simple as this movement seems to be, doing it for long periods of time can hurt your back. This is because your upper body is hanging over your toe line. If you find yourself not able to putt for long periods of time, then gradually condition yourself. Start off with a few minutes, then go a little longer the next time your practice and so on until your back can take it.

3. It's Boring - A lot of people find putting boring. I think it's because they haven't practiced long enough, or well enough, to make enough putts. I can tell you from experience that once you become a great putter, it becomes very exciting to see the ball keep falling into the hole. A great way to make putting exciting is to have putting competitions. People are always up for a challenge and if you put a drink on the line, you'll definitely make putting more enjoyable.

4. You Don't Putt Well - If you're someone who doesn't putt very well, you can't keep avoiding practice. If you do, how do you expect to ever improve this part of your game? If you can just practice a little on a regular basis, you will start to see improvement which will spark your will to keep doing it.

5. No Instant Gratification - I've seen some people on the putting green who get disappointed or frustrated when they aren't sinking a great percentage of the 15-20 footers they practice. These people quickly disappear and are never found regularly practicing their putting. If you need instant gratification when you putt, try setting some easy goals at first. If you have easy goals instead of trying to hole every 15 - 20 footer you'll get that gratification right away. Then, that'll keep you motivated to set even harder goals.

6. You Can't Take Out Your Aggressions - Unlike hitting a driver as hard as you can, putting relies on touch. To tame your aggression and practice putting for a while feels like the other end of the spectrum for most of these people. What you have to do is channel your frustration into elation. This occurs once you can drop that birdie or eagle putt on a continual basis. The elation of seeing the ball fall into the hole far outweighs trying to kill the ball.

7. People Are Lazy - I realize it takes a lot of effort to wander over the putting green and hit some practice putts but things could be worse. You could be doing some strenuous or tedious work around the house. The next time you are debating whether to practice your putting or to go home, you may want to stick around. You never know what is waiting for you at home.

Hopefully, I've given you some food for thought when you think about how much you are currently practicing your putting. If you can just spend a little time on the putting green on a regular basis, you'll start to putt better which will be reflected in you be able to shoot lower scores.

Until next time,

Paul Wilson